Hey Nick. Just curious how much you take age into consideration. If Drake and JJ were two year further along like Michael Penix would they look a lot better?
Hey Ram - great question. I'm aware of age, and might consider it at a surface level, but I personally don't look much at it. Not that it's unimportant or something that NFL GMs/Coaches don't look at. But it doesn't really change my analysis for what I'm seeing on film. I'm not interviewing these kids so I don't have a way to see if their maturity level matches their age or anything along those lines. And since I don't have the ability to interview these players, anything I say about age would likely just be a way to support my position without any evidence. Age can really be used for or against any player (e.g. He's young so he's got more room to grow, or he's young which means he's immature and inexperienced so his transition to the NFL will be a rough one). I'd put more stock in experience and games played.
Hey Nick. Just curious how much you take age into consideration. If Drake and JJ were two year further along like Michael Penix would they look a lot better?
Hey Ram - great question. I'm aware of age, and might consider it at a surface level, but I personally don't look much at it. Not that it's unimportant or something that NFL GMs/Coaches don't look at. But it doesn't really change my analysis for what I'm seeing on film. I'm not interviewing these kids so I don't have a way to see if their maturity level matches their age or anything along those lines. And since I don't have the ability to interview these players, anything I say about age would likely just be a way to support my position without any evidence. Age can really be used for or against any player (e.g. He's young so he's got more room to grow, or he's young which means he's immature and inexperienced so his transition to the NFL will be a rough one). I'd put more stock in experience and games played.